Introduction to ethStaking

Resources and guides to get started with ethStaking

These docs are in active development.

Staking made simple. ethStaking is a liquid Ethereum staking service that allows anyone to benefit from the yields available on the Beacon Chain. ethStaking runs secure and stable institutional-grade infrastructure, combined with unique tokenomics, to provide the highest possible staking yields for its users. As a liquid staking platform, users are free to un-stake at any time or utilise their staked ETH capital to earn enhanced yields throughout DeFi. There is no minimum ETH requirement to stake with ethStaking and the platform fees are the lowest seen across the industry.

We welcome you to the latest iteration of ethStaking and hope that you make the most of our product to achieve your staking goals. This documentation will help you along the way.



ethStaking Pool is a non-custodial staking solution where your staked ETH is pooled with other participants. Every deposit in the Pool gets tokenized into sETH, ethStaking's ERC-20 standard staked ETH token, and holders own the rights to the pool’s staking rewards. ethStaking play a key role in the Pool by making your stake liquid and opening opportunities to generate additional yield in DeFi protocols


ethStaking Solo is no longer open to new deposits, with new users encouraged to stake via the above Pool solution. Previously, StakeWise Solo offered users the ability to deposit in batches of 32 ETH and run their own validator using StakeWise’s infrastructure. Despite Solo being closed to new deposits, existing users of this product will still benefit from all infrastructure upgrades and retain complete access to their validator balances through withdrawal key ownership. The core team is on hand to address any questions and concerns regarding the Solo product

Last updated